Another Teenage Girl Takes Her Life On Live Video

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Hopefully this has not become the new way for teenagers to express their sadness and frustration with the world, because there is no turning back after.

Nakia Venant was a 14-year old girl who decided to kill herself overnight on Sunday all while live-streaming the whole entire event.

She broadcast her suicide from her bathroom in her Miami Gardens foster home and used a homemade noose from her scarf. The video went on for two hours until the live feed ended abruptly. She was declared dead later at a local hospital.

Administrators with the Florida Department of Children & Families stated, “We are absolutely horrified and devastated by the news of this young girl’s death.”

“We will do everything we can to support this family and all those who cared for her as they begin to heal from this tragedy. We will conduct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary special review to examine this child’s history and the circumstances related to serving the child.”

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