Americans Will Spend This Much on Halloween This Year

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It’s staggering how much Americans spend on the Halloween holiday.

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), Americans will be spending $9.1 billion this year on the holiday which includes Halloween candy, costumes, and pumpkins for carving.

Compared to numbers from 2016, this is an 8.3% increase.

Most of the money will be spent on costumes with $3.4 billion for the category. For candy, Americans will spend $2.7 billion.

According to NRF predictions, each person will spend about $86.13 on average. Last year the number was $82.93.

While these numbers may seem like a lot, and most likely many reading this aren’t even spending a dime on the holiday, the NRF has said that only 12.9% of the people spending say their spending is impacted by the economy.

Does that mean we’re in a good place if most people can shop for Halloween without guilt?