Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos is Getting Divorced

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Well, it’s the end for Amazon’s chief executive Jeff Bezos. That is, the end of his marriage.

The CEO announced on Wednesday that he and his wife are planning to divorce. Bezos has been married to his wife MacKenzie for over two decades.

“After a long period of loving exploration and trial separation, we have decided to divorce and continue our shared lives as friends. We feel incredibly lucky to have found each other and deeply grateful for every one of the years we have been married to each other. If we had known we would separate after 25 years, we would do it all again.”

There hasn’t been any terms of the agreement revealed but according to lawyers, the CEO will figure out how to keep his voting power at Amazon. He owns 16.3 percent of the company’s shares according to Amazon’s 2018 proxy statement.

Washington state law states that any assets that have been accumulated during the 25 years they have been married would belong to both of them, unless there was a prenuptial agreement. Both Jeff and his wife own a house in the state and it is the location of Amazon’s headquarters.

Jordan Neyland, an assistant professor of law at George Mason University, remarked, “A lot of the prior CEO divorces have been more career professionals that have built up other wealth before becoming CEO. So I think that’s what makes this one a little different, being a founder getting divorced while in office.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) and have not been compensated for this article.

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