Abigail Disney is Furious at What Disney is Doing

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Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Walt Disney’s late brother Roy Disney, has been tweeting up a storm in response to the company deciding to furlough workers.

Abigail slammed Walt Disney Co.’s move to furlough more than 100,000 workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic as it is still protecting some executive bonuses, according to a Financial Times report.

“I feel a thread coming on,” tweeted Disney.

he launched a 25-tweet thread that called on Disney to “pay the people who make the magic happen with respect and dignity.”

“THIS COMPANY MUST DO BETTER,” she wrote. She has asked Disney executives to give up some of their “already ample compensation” so the company can keep paying hourly employees.

“Disney faces a rough couple of years, to be sure,” Abigail Disney added. “But that does not constitute permission to continue pillaging and rampaging by management.”

She tweeted, “WHAT THE ACTUAL F***????? Look, dividends aren’t ALL bad, given the number of fixed income folks who rely on them. But still 80% of shares are owned by the wealthiest 10%. So that excuse only goes so far. But the REAL outrage is, of course, those bonuses…2/”

She added, “All 1.5 billion of them. 1.5 BILLION. That’d pay for three months salary to front line workers. And its going to people who have already been collecting egregious bonuses for years. Here is what the @ft piece has to say about it.”

Abigail has no active role in the company but has lobbied for Disney to pay higher wages to its workers.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) and have not been compensated for this article.