Two Amazon Employees in Italy Test Positive for Coronavirus

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World’s biggest e-commerce company Amazon Inc. (AMZN) has confirmed two of its employees based in Milan, Italy have been infected by deadly coronavirus. These employees tested positive for the virus during the weekend and are currently under quarantine.

Italy Most Affected Outside Asia

Italy is hitting headlines as the most European nation being affected by this rapidly rising global epidemic. So far thirty four people have succumbed to the virus in Italy.

During the just concluded weekend Italy reported a 50% increase in new coronavirus case. As of Sunday Italy had 1,694 coronavirus infected individuals making Italy the country with most coronavirus infections outside Asia.

Following this deadly developments, Italy closed down its most famous theatre La Scala Opera indefinitely. United States restricted travels between the country and Italy, Delta Air lines suspended flights to Milan.

The airline says last flight to out will be from New York to Milan scheduled on Monday and last flight return flight is slated for Tuesday. The company says it will resume affected flights on May 1.

According to data from a northern Italy region Lombardy, one out of every ten corona cases in the area is a medical personnel affected said a press officer from the area Paola Stringa.

A health care representative in the Lombardy region Giulio Gallera, said they are considering setting aside an entire hospital to coronavirus patients.

We have given the instruction to hospital to swab all the patients that come in with respiratory diseases symptoms. It’s important to preserve the well-being of medical personnel, which today represents the 10% of the infected,” said Gallera.

Amazon Takes Precautions

Back to Amazon, the company says it is unaware of any of its U.S employees who has been infected the virus. Further the online retailer said it has switched some of its recruiting interviews from physical interviews to video interviews.

Through its spokesperson Dan Perlet Amazon assured its support to quarantined employees.

We’re supporting the affected employees who were in Milan and are now in quarantine,” said Perlet.

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