Someone Dressed as The Monopoly Guy Photo Bombs Equifax Hearing

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The last place you would think the Monopoly man would show up is at a Senate hearing, but there he was.

A woman dressed up in a black top hat with a white mustache, holding a monocle was sitting as part of the audience in the Senate Banking Committee hearing on the Equifax data breach this week. She looked exactly like the board game Monopoly man.

She even occasionally dabbed her forehead sweat with big giant paper money. Apparently the woman, Amanda Werner, was there in part of a protest by a group that is looking to put focus on arbitration clauses that the financial industry uses that limits the consumer’s ability to take disputes to court.

“Arbitration is a rigged game,” Werner wrote in an emailed statement. “Bank lobbyists and their allies in Congress are trying to overturn the CFPB’s rule so they can continue to rip off consumers with impunity.”

Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen even handed out “Get out of jail free” cards.

Equifax’s former CEO Richard Smith was there to testify about the hack that led to over 140 million people’s information being compromised.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Equifax Inc. NYSE: EFX) and have not been compensated for this article.