Meng’s Lawyer Claim Her Allegations Aren’t a Crime in Canada

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The first stage of determining if Huawei’s Technologies Inc. (HWT) Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou should be extradited to the U.S wrapped up on Thursday. Her lawyers challenged the allegation claiming they were not double criminality- a case whereby an accused is extradited if the accusations they have committed are also considered illegal in the country they have been arrested.

Meng was arrested back in 2018 in Canada for allegations of covering up attempts of companies linked to Huawei to selling equipment to U.S sanctioned Iran.

In the Vancouver court Meng’s lawyers claimed that in the between 2011 and 2016 Canada had sanctions against Iran however in 2018 when the U.S requested for her extradition Canada had already with sanctions against Iran.

The lawyers claimed the court is being embarrassed since there exists no underlying sanctions of Canada against Iran further terming the case an ‘inherently’ political one.

On the other side the prosecutors argued that by the judge going with Meng’s lawyers line of thought it would be making Canada a safe haven for fraudsters and to avoid this Meng should be extradited to the U.S to face fraud charges.

After the recent developments legal experts are of the opinion that Meng might be free if the judge fails to find double criminality was committed. Nonetheless, the prosecution can appeal the decision after the ruling.

The female judge said she would be delivering her judgment at a later date. On April 27 Meng is expected to call evidence concerned to her arrest. Meng also claims the evidence was handled improperly. The lawyers also expect the judge to make a written judgment before that day.

In the meantime, Meng remains free on bail in Canada, where she has being living in a mansion within Vancouver.

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