This EpiPen Competitor Will Be Launching Next Month

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A company called Kaleo made a huge announcement on Thursday that could have EpiPen maker Mylan feeling pretty nervous right now.

Kaleo announced that a major competitor to the EpiPen will be launching on February 14th for $360 for a two pack.

Mylan had increased the price of their EpiPen to $609 for a two pack months ago, stirring some major backlash. The company launched an authorized generic version for $300 for a two pack in late 2016 as a result.

According to Kaleo, this new competitor, called Auvi-Q, will be free to patients with commercial insurance — even if they have a high deductible plan.

Looks like Mylan’s monopoly days for this life-saving allergy injection may soon be over.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Mylan Inc. (NASDAQ: MYL) and have not been compensated for this article.

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