Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) Gives Us Yet Another Reason To Stay Home On The Couch

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In an an economy where most are cash strapped, Netflix has become the best friend of many. The friend that is there whenever you need to watch The Princess Bride with your cat after a hard day at work.

It may now become the essential streaming service for all of us after the big deal Netflix just landed.

Starting in September, Netflix will not just be a place to find Disney movies like Toy Story, Cinderella, and Indiana Jones, but it will be the ONLY place to find them. Netflix has made an exclusive deal with Disney and its subsidiaries to make such a thing happen.

With Netflix being the only streaming service for these films, it gives competitors like Amazon Prime and Hulu something to really be bitter about. This exclusive deal will make Netflix’s catalog bigger than ever.

In Netflix’s own words, “From September onwards, Netflix will become the exclusive US pay TV home of the latest films from Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar.”

Could we soon be streaming Star Wars? We can only hope.