FDA Says Teething Medicines Aren’t Safe for Children

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This may not be the best news for parents to read who have teething children, but it’s news that could be quite concerning.

The Food and Drug Administration has warned that teething medicines are unsafe and even wants them off of the shelves.

According to federal health officials, various gels and creams containing the drug benzocaine can cause rare but deadly side effects in children, especially those 2 years and younger.

The FDA has asked manufacturers to stop selling their products intended for babies and toddlers.

“We urge parents, caregivers and retailers who sell them to heed our warnings and not use over-the-counter products containing benzocaine for teething pain,” stated FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

Companies that do not voluntarily remove their products for young children will be facing legal action by the FDA.

The FDA expects manufacturers to comply as soon as possible.

One product that has benzocaine is Baby Orajel. The company said, “We are not discontinuing other Orajel products, which represent the majority of our Orajel offering.”