Twitter CFO Ned Sagel Says the Company is Finding This to Be More Important Now
According to Twitter’s Chief Financial Officer, Ned Sagel, e-commerce has become more important for the company.
On Tusday Sagel said that e-commerce will be an important lever for the company as it continues to build out direct response advertising products.
“You should be able to click and buy something on Twitter,” Segal said at the J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Virtual Conference.
“We’ve come to appreciate that people do a lot of research on Twitter before they buy something.”
According to the CFO, users go to Twitter’s platform to hear what experts have to say about products like phones and shoes and that users also could feel compelled to make spur-of-the-moment decisions to buy products as they chat about major events in real-time.
“These are all great opportunities for us to connect existing advertisers and new advertisers with their customers on Twitter,” Segal said. “So commerce will be an important lever for us.”
Twitter is “making sure that we’re helping advertisers in a way where we’re not standing in between them and their customers,” said Sagel. “Where we’re facilitating a relationship between them and their customers. That’s an example of the kind of decision that is really important and can be critical to success. Where advertisers, we want them to see Twitter as a partner and not as a potential competitor to them.”
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