Best Buy’s CEO Had Some Pretty Good Advice for Women

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Corie Barry, the CEO of Best Buy, has some sound advice for women in business.

According to Barry, who is the first female chief executive of Best Buy since taking the job in June, believes women need to make themselves uncomfortable.

She says, “make yourself uncomfortable, and to take sometimes, the jobs no one else wants.”
Barry is one of 27 female CEOs in the S&P 500, according to Catalyst and at the age of 44 years old, she is the youngest female CEO in the Fortune 100.

Barry also said, “Have those uncomfortable moments. Because my strong personal belief is it is those moments that cause you to grow the most yourself, but that also differentiate you the most in your career.”

“My career path is anything but linear,” Barry said in an interview with CNBC recently. “I spent time in finance. I spent time actually living and working in the field in retail. I spent time running services. I started our strategic growth office. I’ve had the chance to run our technology teams.”

She tells women to “speak up with the point of view in the room that may not be popular. Have those uncomfortable moments. Because my strong personal belief is it is those moments that cause you to grow the most yourself, but that also differentiate you the most in your career.”

“It’s why I start with making yourself uncomfortable, because somewhere in here, you’re going to have to be willing to put yourself in a space that you don’t quite feel ready to fill, and then leverage all the resources around you to help you be successful,” she has also once said.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Best Buy Co Inc. (NYSE: BBY) mentioned and have not been compensated for this article.

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