Tesla to Pay Former Janitor Who is Now Disabled $13 Million

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Electric vehicle maker Tesla has agreed to pay a former janitor $13 million in damages after another employee crushed her legs in a workplace accident in the company’s Fremont, California factory.
The incident had left her permanently disabled, lawyers say.

The case was settled earlier this month only a day after jury selection but almost four years since the accident occurred.

The former employee, Teodora Tapia, said that she was mopping the floor at Tesla’s factory in mid-2014 when an employee driving a European Model S crashed into her, pinning her legs against another car’s bumper.

According to her lawyer, the other employee wasn’t certified to operate the Model S and that Tesla had created an unsafe work environment. “Teodora is now unable to work or provide for her family,” her lawyers said.
“Everyone agreed she would never be able to work again, in any capacity, in any kind of job because of how severe her injury was,” said her attorney Khail Parris.

That driver was contracted by another staffing company, West Valley Staffing Group.

“As a result of the Defendant’s actions,” the claim said, “Plaintiff suffered serious and permanent injuries to her lower extremities and body.”

Tesla stated, “We care deeply about the safety and well-being of everyone who works at Tesla’s facilities, whether they are a contractor or Tesla employee. However, this trial was focused solely on the amount of damages due, and was not related to Tesla’s safety practices.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) and have not been compensated for this article.

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