Tesla is Wanting $167 Million in Damages from a Former Employee

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Electric vehicle maker Tesla is seeking a whopping $167 million in damages from a former employee that CEO Elon Musk had accused of sabotage.

The company is suing former employee Martin Tripp for more than $167 million according to recent legal filings.
Tripp and the company have been in a legal battle since Tripp accused the the electric vehicle maker of using flawed battery manufacturing practices and hiding relevant info from shareholders.

According to Tesla however, Tripp was just a disgruntled ex-employee, and CEO Elon Musk alluded to him as a “saboteur” in company wide e-mails.

Tripp attorney Robert D. Mitchell said in an e-mail to CNBC: “The purported damage amount claimed by Tesla relates to supposed dips in Tesla’s stock price by virtue of the information Mr. Tripp provided to the press last summer.” He called the damage claims as “absurd.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) and have not been compensated for this article.