These New $95 Mom Jeans Have The Internet Very Confused

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Many people wonder how destructed jeans can run for $200 a pair, when essentially it’s just jeans with holes in them.
Now there’s a new trend that’s costing $95 a pair and has the internet very stumped.

The trend is clear see through knee panels on jeans from Top Shop that are sold on Nordstrom’s website.

Many internet users have been tweeting about them and it doesn’t look like people are digging the style.

Pukado by Patricia @PukadoCrochet wrote, “Wtf? First of all: Mom Jeans??? Second: why do knees need a window??”

ᴊᴇᴅ ᴡʜɪᴛᴀᴋᴇʀ @Jed05 tweeted, “These are actual jeans you can buy at @Nordstrom that cost $95. Called Clear Knee Mom Jeans. We are truly living in the dark time line.”

Heidi Cara @rockinhavoc tweeted @Nordstrom “WTF? I lived thru the 80’s and nothing was as bad as this!!”

Well you decide for yourself.. stylish new fad or a big no?